Bad dream? It could be a nightmare, a night terror, or an Old Hag

An interesting shift in my life has occurred – my dreams have been strange as of late. Really, I have been having terrible nightmares. Nightmares are disruptive dreams that cause intense feelings of sadness, fear, anxiety, dread, and horror. There are people who suffer from recurrent nightmares, and these can sometimes be tied into post-traumatic…

Do you believe in ghosts? Some ancient philosophers did.

Many cultures believe in life after death. Many funeral rites we have seen here are done so with the belief that the deceased will carry on, in some form, preferably in some place that is peaceful. Living in a funeral home, and working in a cemetery, you tend to see many, many curious things, but…

Which full moon rises?

All full moons have a name, as they very well should. I learned this one especially cold January as I was researching the belief of werewolves among varying cultures. I was curious and so wondered what an internet search of “January” and “Werewolf” would turn up and I found that January’s full moon is indeed…

Where The Fault Lies

By: Greg Mollin

We all have our obligations in life. Sometimes our obligations can lead to distractions and sometimes these distractions can be tragic. In Greg Mollin’s haunting short story “Where the fault lies,” he takes us through the mind and panicked state of a moment gone terribly wrong.

Our FINAL DESTINATION 5 contest is closed!

Thank you to those that submitted your troubling near death experiences. Below are some of the highlights: Tracy Matthews – Chicago I survived a multiple car crash that ended up in a lake. 9 people died and I was the only one injured with a broken arm.. I thank god I survived!! — Michael Fallik…


For many, this right here, where I work, where I live, is their final destination. I work quietly, and in the shadows so as not to disturb friends and families as they come to visit their dead. Sometimes I run into our visitors because we are crossing the same path, or perhaps they have come…

With death, another musician is added to the Forever 27 Club

  This morning it felt like a sad day even before the day truly began. Outside the ground was moist from the previous nights powerful storms. There was a stillness that whispered news was coming and it did. Undertaker called out to me and said “Amy Winehouse has died.” Then he retreated back indoors. I…