31 Days of Halloween – Day 19 WANTED: Exorcists


Apparently there is a shortage of exorcists. In an article published in The Telegraph in September 2016 exorcists are in urgent demand.


According to Valter Cascioli, a psychologist with the International Association of Exorcists (Yes, there is a thing) a lack of priests to perform exorcism is an emergency. Dr. Cascioli also teaches at the Pontifical University of Regina Apostolorum, a Vatican supported university in Rome. Cascioli attributed the increase of possession to people’s increase in the practice of the occult and satanic practices. He also attributed the rise of evil forces to people’s decline in faith. He was also clear to point out that it was important not to confuse mental illness with demonic possession.


Two of America’s leading exorcists, Father Gary Thomas and Father Vincent Lampert agree that there is a rise of demonic possession and a need for exorcists. Both claim pagan activities, declining mental health facilities, and a spiritual void in America is contributing to people being possessed. Father Thomas has conducted about 60 exorcisms in about 10 years.


In Rome, Father Vincenzo Taraborelli says he sees about 30 people a day. Father Taraborelli is also 79 years old and says that there is little success finding new exorcists.


“I told the bishop that I can’t find anyone willing to do this. Many of them are scared. Even priests can be scared. It’s a difficult life.”
