The Chocolate Shop

By: David Massengill

Many of us have experienced quirky day’s at work where everything just seems to go wrong. Yet, in David Massengill’s The Chocolate Shop a normal day at work becomes disturbingly tragic due to a disgruntled guest.

There is a monster under my bed

The Undertaker told me something silly the other day. It was late at night and I couldn’t sleep so I sat in my room reading. As he passed my door he said “Get to bed or the bogeyman will get you.” “What does that even mean?” I said, but it was too late. He had…

Sirius has risen

  The Dog Days are here. Well, at least they are here in the northern hemisphere where your gravedigger is located. We are now in July and so you may hear people say silly things such as “It is hot,” or the “Dog Days are here.” Well, of course it is hot – we are…

Red Haired Girl

By: Deborah Reed

We all run into people each day. Their faces remain with us sometimes for a few seconds, and sometimes longer. Yet, sometimes these run ins with strangers mean something more.

The lady is a good omen

I was outside today and a ladybug fell on my shoulder. I was pleased by this seeing as how I have been quite ill lately and I hoped that the appearance of this creature would serve as a good omen. I was afraid to brush the ladybug away and so I just left her there…