The dead will soon walk among the living!

I’ve been occupied. Quite more occupied than normal and I blame a painful increase of workload around these parts. So, apologies for being away for far too long. Unfortunately, the Undertaker too has been extremely busy. Perhaps it is because a certain holiday we all adore around these parts is approaching? The leaves are changing…

Gothic Blue Book

Gothic Blue Book Cover

Check out the preliminary cover for the Gothic Blue Book, just a few more tweaks and it will be ready for the October 28, 2011  release. The  Gothic Blue Book will be available on Amazon’s Kindle and hard cover. More details soon.  

Halloween Spooky Ghost Story Contest

Hey Everyone! Halloween is just around the corner now and we want you to share your spooky real life ghost story with us! Just post your real life haunted tale in the comments area below and the scariest story picked by the Gravedigger will get a free copy of our Gothic Blue Book due to…

Birthday and the Lunar Effect

  My birthday was Friday and I note it mostly for pity as I am getting older. Another year passes and I enter another year with hopes, aspirations, and goals – all the while continuing to elude death. Friday evening, the Undertaker wanting to do something appropriate for my day of birth, chose to take…