The dead will soon walk among the living!

I’ve been occupied. Quite more occupied than normal and I blame a painful increase of workload around these parts. So, apologies for being away for far too long. Unfortunately, the Undertaker too has been extremely busy. Perhaps it is because a certain holiday we all adore around these parts is approaching?

The leaves are changing color and the air is growing cooler. Pumpkins are now visible on front porches and we can all feel the electricity in the air increase with each day that brings us closer to Halloween. I am very much looking forward to this great day of celebration and superstition. When thinking of our modern holiday of Halloween, we must acknowledge the previous holidays that influenced this day.

Samhain – The Celts, who lived over 2,000 years ago, celebrated their New Year on November 1st.  The festival marked the end of the harvest, the end of the light (summer months) and the beginning of the dark (winter months). They also believed that the night before their new year, October 31st, that the line that marked the world of the living and the world of the dead became blurred.

All Saint’s Day – In the 8th century, Pope Gregory III wanted to designate a day in which all of those who had been beatified would be remembered, and so November 1st was set as the day to commemorate and honor saints and martyrs.

All Soul’s Day – In 1,000 AD, the church designated November 2nd as the day to honor all those who had died.

Over the years, traditions and customs of each of these days were mixed and mingled to bring us what is our present day Halloween.

Over the next few days I will talk more about each of these days, and their customs, as well as the present customs practiced today for Halloween.

Just a few more days remain until the line is blurred between the world of the living and the world of the dead? Are you ready?

More tomorrow.


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