For Poe

Michael Tugendhat won the 2014 Dark Poetry Scholarship offered by the Horror Writers Association. His first book of horror poems is forthcoming (February 2015) from James Ward Kirk. He has had work appear or accepted for publication inMidnight Echo Magazine, Beyond Borderlands, Morpheus Tales #24 and elsewhere.   For Poe By Michael Tugendhat   Ashore to…

Monthly Submissions are Open & Showmen’s Rest

  It was a wild year end. We are excited to enter another year here at Burial Day and look forward to reading all of your tales. For those of you who have yet to receive a submission status for our monthly posting we will send you a status this week. Thank you for your…

Chicago Book Expo 2014

Burial Day Books will be at Chicago Book Expo 2014 The third annual Chicago Book Expo will be held Saturday, December 6, 2014, from 11 am to 5 pm at Columbia College Chicago, 1104 S. Wabash. The event is free and open to the public. This celebration of Chicago-area publishers and authors features a pop-up bookstore…

Chicago Ghost Conference 2014

Burial Day Books will be at the 2014 Chicago Ghost Conference   Saturday, November 22 from 9 AM – 7 PM At the historic and haunted Carl Schurz High School 3601 North Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, IL   For tickets go HERE or HERE


GOTHIC BLUE BOOK IV: THE FOLKLORE EDITION is now available on Kindle! Featuring new fiction by New York Times bestselling author JayBonansinga, author of the Walking Dead novels, and Bram Stoker and Pushcart Prize winning author Bruce Boston! The print edition is to follow.