31 Days of Halloween – Day 26 Stages of an Exorcism

Movies significantly water down the ritual of Exorcism. What is important to know is that exorcisms still do occur and are taken seriously by the Catholic Church. Here are some notes and the stages of an exorcism. Notes: Once engaged in an exorcism it cannot be called off. There is the belief that no matter…

31 Days of Halloween – Day 24 Victorian Mourning

The Victorian era is generally thought as the period during Queen Victoria’s reign, from 1837 to her death in 1901. When we think of the Victorian era we generally think of the artistic and cultural behaviors of the time. Victorianism is punctuated with social values, arts, religion, romanticism, and a dash of mysticism.   While…

31 Days of Halloween – Day 23 Slender Man Attack

In Spring of 2014, three girls were having a slumber party at their home in Waukesha, Wisconsin – about 20 miles west of Milwaukee. At some point in the evening two of the girls lured the third into the woods where they stabbed her 19 times and left her there to die.   While the…

31 Days of Halloween – Day 22 The Curse of the Billy Goat

October 22nd 2016 marked the 46th anniversary of William “Billy Goat” Sianis’ death. October 22nd 2016 also marked the first time the Chicago Cubs won the pennant since 1945 moving on to the World Series. The Chicago Cubs have not won the World Series since 1908, the longest drought in Major League Baseball. Right behind…

31 Days of Halloween – Day 21 The Witch Bottle

A witch needs a witch bottle – that is for certain. A witch bottle is a container jar spell that protects the witch against evil spirits, magical attacks and protects their home. Accounts of witch bottles have been dated as far back as the 15th century. Witch bottles are typically prepared for the witch by…