When Mercy Calls

If your phone rings tonight with an unknown number you will have to pick it up, because it may be Mercy Ellis on the other line. You may not like what she tells you, but you have no choice.

White Stripes

Do you ever worry you’ve been driving too long? Those road stripes can become hypnotic. Maybe they’re a sign of something. Mary Edigo lives in rural New Hampshire where the deer peek in bathroom windows. She works for a direct mail company to pay the bills and her part time gigs include writing stories and…

Gothic Blue Book V Featured Fiction Writer

Burial Day Books is honored to announce our featured fiction writer for GOTHIC BLUE BOOK V, Maria Alexander! Maria Alexander is a produced screenwriter, published games writer, virtual world designer, award-winning copywriter, interactive theatre designer, prolific fiction writer, snarkiologist and poet. Her stories have appeared in publications such as Chizine Magazine, Gothic.net and Paradox, as well as…

Gothic Blue Book V Featured Poet

  Burial Day Books is honored to announce our featured poet for GOTHIC BLUE BOOK V, Stephanie M. Wytovich! Stephanie M. Wytovich is the Poetry Editor for Raw Dog Screaming Press, a book reviewer for Nameless Magazine, and a well-known coffee addict. She is a member of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, an active member of…

March Post – Selected Poems – Joris Soeding

Selected Poems By Joris Soeding   Joris Soeding’s third chapbook, In Between the Places Where Night Falls, is forthcoming from Lummox Press. His poems have recently appeared in publications such as Belle Rêve Literary Journal, Cruel Garters, The Horror Zine Magazine, San Pedro River Review, and Thirteen Myna Birds. He is a 5th/6th grade Writing teacher in Chicago, where he resides with his…

Happy Triskaidekaphobia Day!

Fear of Friday the 13th is called Triskaidekaphobia. Many of us know that already. Many of us also know that the superstition has been attributed to a variety of events, the most famous of which is Christian in nature. It’s believed that Judas was the 13th person at the Last Supper and it is him…

The Lucky Horseshoe

  The other day I purchased a lucky horseshoe charm. Why? I don’t particularly know why other than I was compelled by the design. I have also heard of “Lucky Horseshoes,” but I suppose I didn’t know exactly why horseshoes are considered lucky. I suppose I purchased the charm because I somehow believed it would…