Audio version of Chuckles

The Electric Chair has posted an audio version of Tim Tobin’s Chuckles, you can find it here. Chuckles: Guilt, madness, and loneliness sometimes have a way of reaching down and touching our past. Mr. Tim Tobin tells us exactly how that can happen in Chuckles. Do read and enjoy.

The Owl

By: Aaron Shotwell

If you were followed, obsessed over, and haunted each and every day of your life how would you feel? How would you cope? Aaron Shotwell’s “The Owl” is just about that.

El Diablito


By Cynthia Cina Pelayo

EL DIABLITO, A little devil can hide anywhere, in your closet, under your bed, or maybe even in your walls. Beware, because at night he emerges.

Horror Stories

Gone Black

By: Nick Medina

No one knows how it started and no one knows why exactly a hospital in Southern Illinois was shut down and its patients not allowed to leave. In a desperate attempt to save his nephew, Ben Scofield breaks into the hospital only to be confronted by unsettling blackness.