Author Interview: Margarita Felices

Margarita Felices is a new paranormal writer who lives in Cardiff with her partner, three little mad dogs and works in television broadcasting. Inspiration for a lot of her writing comes from the remnants of the Victorian era in her hometown. When not writing, she strolls the rambling streets of Cardiff, taking pictures and researching settings and characters.

The Cabin in the Woods

  There are things that lurk in the dark that you and I will never understand.  Sometimes the monotony in our lives leads us to believe that the routine of it all cannot possibly mean that there is something out there larger, but I believe there is. There were times when I fought with logic…

Dystopian Fiction Soup Line

Dystopian Fiction

  I’m not particularly a raving fan of post-apocalyptic or dystopian fiction. I feel as though those genres, while falling into what some may call speculative fiction is ultimately the realm of Science Fiction and my preference is truly all things horror. However, I must recognize a good work of fiction when I read it…

Jekyll & Hyde

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

I have been very fascinated lately with this idea of perception. Is what we perceive ourselves to be what is indeed presented to others? There is often a lot of talk regarding appropriateness; what is or what is not acceptable social behavior. Whether about in a social gathering or at work we fall into societally…

winter shack


By: Tim Tobin

Guilt, madness, and loneliness sometimes have a way of reaching down and touching our past. Mr. Tim Tobin tells us exactly how that can happen in Chuckles. Do read and enjoy.

lucky rabbits foot

Lucky Rabbit’s Foot

DISCLAIMER: The following blog outlines some folklore practices. Burial Day Books does not condone the harming of any animals. In fact, the Gravedigger is a vegan and loves animals very, very, very much. I received some terrible news today. The news was so terrible that I could not even attend to my chores. The day…