Audio version of Chuckles

The Electric Chair has posted an audio version of Tim Tobin’s Chuckles, you can find it here. Chuckles: Guilt, madness, and loneliness sometimes have a way of reaching down and touching our past. Mr. Tim Tobin tells us exactly how that can happen in Chuckles. Do read and enjoy.

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Wednesday Silverwood

Wednesday Silverwood’s short story “Angelique” will appear in the Gothic Blue Book: The Revenge Edition this month. 1. Vampires or Zombies? Which do you prefer in fiction? Vampires! Don’t get me wrong, I love zombies too but the figure of the vampire has a particular menace and romance for me. So long as they have…


Carl Palmer’s poem “Visitation” will appear in the Gothic Blue Book: The Revenge Edition this month. 1. Vampires or Zombies? Which do you prefer in fiction? My preference is that neither be portrayed as fiction since Vampires and Zombies are real. 2. Haunted House or Haunted Mental Asylum? If you had to spend the night…

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: David Massengill

David Massengill’s short story “Bellevue” will appear in the Gothic Blue Book: The Revenge Edition this month. 1. Vampires or Zombies? Which do you prefer in fiction? Zombies. I’d love to see an author stray from the zombie apocalypse storyline and do a historical gothic/horror novel in the Haitian zombie tradition. Maybe like Anne Rice’s The Witching Hour only…


K. Trap Jones’ short story “The Flailing Arm” will appear in the Gothic Blue Book: The Revenge Edition this month. 1. Vampires or Zombies? Which do you prefer in fiction? I actually have to answer this in two parts because I like each of them in two different time periods. For vampires, I prefer classical…


Emma Hinge’s short story “Penance” will appear in the Gothic Blue Book: The Revenge Edition this month. 1. Vampires or Zombies? Which do you prefer in fiction? Zombies – because I think they have more social relevance. Vampires are a little too all over the place. They are scary, now sexy, and then scary again.…


Phil Hickes’ short story “The Beautiful Dead” will appear in the Gothic Blue Book: The Revenge Edition this month. 1. Vampires or Zombies? Which do you prefer in fiction? Vampires, as long as we’re talking about Salem’s Lot and 30 Days of Night type vampires. Not the ones with floppy hair. 2. Haunted House or…