
Burial Day Books is a boutique publisher of supernatural horror.  Once a week we research a particular element dealing with superstition, folklore or myth and write a short piece about that element from the Gravedigger’s perspective. These elements were sometimes used somewhere in a previous horror story in history. Or, these elements could have been pulled from particular ideals, or from items that illicit fear. We may also discuss curious traditions that we feel admirers of horror, and beyond, would enjoy learning. Our blogs, while written from a fictional character ‘s perspective, are non-fictional. Overall, our blogs discuss true beliefs, phenomena, practices or customs.


Rest in Peace Edgar Allan Poe who died on October 7th, 1849 at the age of 40.
Just the other day I had an appointment with a medical practitioner. It was not with my regular practitioner as
open Umbrella
  Spring still has not yet made its full appearance. Yes, we have our days of mild weather but cool,
St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 was founded in 1789 and it is the oldest cemetery in New Orleans. Like other
This past weekend the Undertaker and I spent some time in the reportedly most haunted city in America, New Orleans.
Edgar Allan Poe
Happy Birthday Edgar Allan Poe, an American Literary Master! A very happy birthday to Edgar Allan Poe who was born
ghost hunter
  Interview with a Ghost Hunter: Alex Matsuo 1. How did your interest in the paranormal begin? I had my
There are so many Christmas traditions, superstitions and customs that vary from country to country and varying regions as well.
I was invited by John Everson to participate in a blog chain titled “The Next Big Thing.” The premise is
Stickney Mansion
The Stickney Mansion was created with no corners to keep the ghosts in. Perhaps they've never left?