31 Days of Halloween Day 8 – The White House


It’s presidential election season in the United States – one of the scariest of seasons. Did you know that The White House is one of the most haunted buildings in the United States?



1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is not only the home of the president of the United States but it’s also one of the most haunted buildings in America. A few of the ghostly sightings include:




Andrew Jackson

The ghost of Andrew Jackson, the 7th president, was seen by Mary Todd Lincoln in 1865 in the Rose Room. Mrs. Lincoln claimed to have confronted the angry ghost of President Jackson and she would often hear him stomping around the White House and cussing. People have also felt cold spots in the room and have reported strange noises. The Rose Room is said to be the most active room in the building.



Dolley Madison

Dolley Madison was the wife of the fourth president of the United States, James Madison. It was also Mrs. Madison who set up the first White House garden. The famous White House roses were planted by Mrs. Madison. It was reported that nearly a hundred years after Mrs. Madison planted her roses First Lady Edith Wilson tried to remove the roses. When the workers attempted the remove the roses they claimed to have seen the very angry ghost of Mrs. Madison. The workers abandoned removing the roses immediately and they have remained undisturbed since.




Abraham Lincoln

President Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln lost their second son in 1862. Mrs. Lincoln was so distraught that she turned to spiritualists in order to try to communicate with her lost loved ones. Mrs. Lincoln held séances in the White House and it’s been reported that Mr. Lincoln participated in these sittings as well.




The ghost of President Lincoln was seen frequently during President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration. He has been seen in his trademark top hat, sometimes sitting by the fireplace in his former room.


It’s been said that President Lincoln’s ghost is most active during times of crisis as he like to be on hand to assist.

