The Owl

By: Aaron Shotwell

If you were followed, obsessed over, and haunted each and every day of your life how would you feel? How would you cope? Aaron Shotwell’s “The Owl” is just about that.

Campfire Stories

This past July, Friday the 13th, Burial Day Book hosted a Campfire Reading at Uncharted Books. Many wonderful writers read their work. This is a sampling of stories from that evening.

Car in the rain

Risk of Rain

By: Matthew McLachlan

We’ve all had that ‘one’ we loved because they made us better, but what happens when a storm isn’t really a storm and something is taken away?

July Poems

July Poetry Collection

  Martin Gibbs writes fantasy, short fiction, and poetry. He enjoys cross-country skiing, biking, and cooking. During the day, he supports enterprise information systems and writes dry, boring drivel in the form of academic research. Fantasy and poetry are his way out of a world full of ones and zeroes. Martin lives in the snow-covered…