Emma Hinge’s short story “Penance” will appear in the Gothic Blue Book: The Revenge Edition this month.

1. Vampires or Zombies? Which do you prefer in fiction?
Zombies – because I think they have more social relevance. Vampires are a little too all over the place. They are scary, now sexy, and then scary again. Zombies could never have that kind of identity problem.

2. Haunted House or Haunted Mental Asylum? If you had to spend the night in one to write about your experience which would you chose, and why?
Neither. If I spend a night in either of them, I’d probably end up in a mental asylum.

3. Have you ever read a book or a fictional story that frightened you so much you had to put it down at least once while you were reading? If so, what was it? What frightened you?
Hmmm. I don’t think I have. But I am a sucker for psychological horror. Old folk tales scare me. The Slenderman is a good example.

4. Why do you enjoy writing Gothic/Literary horror/horror/paranormal fiction? Or just, why do you enjoy writing in general?
I think it takes quite a lot of courage to write. The payoffs are great if you can put yourself out there, though. Horror is hard because it leaves you wondering whether ‘normal people’ have dark, twisty plot lines running through their heads.

5. What other projects do you have in the works?
I wrote an entry for a romance competition recently (for a bit of a change). I’m also considering putting an entry in for a picture book competition here in New Zealand too, though my Mum is entering as well. I’d like to find an editorial job now that I’m finishing off my last year of study.

Follow me on twitter if you are interested (@missoilcan)!

EMMA HINGE is an English Honours student currently studying at Canterbury University in Christchurch, New Zealand. New to the art of writing, Emma enjoys challenging the assumptions we make about the narratives of everyday life. Emma likes writing horror because of its ability to surprise – perhaps it isn’t surprising however that most of her great ideas occur during witching hour…

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