Peter Adam Salomon, what scares you?

Peter Adam Salomon, what scares you? Of all the nightmares, abandonment is the one concept that always lingers the longest. Sure, spiders are creepy and the monster under the bed kicks too much and the witches, mummies, clowns, and vampires in the closet tend to offer momentary chills, but being abandoned (emotionally, physically) is an…

Die Booth, what scares you?

Die Booth, what scares you? I am afraid of a lot of things, like open doors and closed doors and life. I’m afraid of nuclear war even though it’s no longer the 90s. I’m afraid of incarceration, sleep paralysis, airports, and squirrels. I am a little afraid of everything in the world, but I’ll tell…

Nicole Degennaro, what scares you?

Nicole Degennaro, what scares you? Like most people, I have fears that range from the mundane to the irrational. Instead of picking one or providing a list, I wanted to figure out the common link between them, and I think I have. What scares me is my own imagination. That is what transforms those bumps…

Jay Wilburn, what scares you?

Jay Wilburn, what scares you? What scares me? I could answer something sad like failure or loss, but for me it’s still the dark. I see things in the dark upon waking or moving through the house or outdoors that still startle me. Dark fiction writers should maintain some level of fear of the dark.…

Jessica McHugh, what scares you?

Jessica McHugh, what scares you? Ever since I was thrown off a bicycle and slid several feet on my face, I’ve had a fear of facial disfigurement. It was a long time ago, and I hardly have any scars from the incident, but I can’t seem to shake that terror (vain as it sounds). Eyes…

Michael Kellar, what scares you?

Michael Kellar, what scares you? As a horror writer, I exploit other people’s fears. My answer would be that I am most fearful that someone would find out what it is that truly scares me. That would be my Kryptonite. It is an old magical belief that knowing someone’s true name gives you power over…

K.R. Smith, what scares you?

K.R. Smith, what scares you? It’s not the ghosts or goblins that scare me. It’s being stuck on the side of some vertical cliff face where I can’t move up or down without the fear of falling and everything I touch is slippery. I’ve had too many nightmares like that, yet I seem drawn toward…