
Burial Day Books is a boutique publisher of supernatural horror.  Once a week we research a particular element dealing with superstition, folklore or myth and write a short piece about that element from the Gravedigger’s perspective. These elements were sometimes used somewhere in a previous horror story in history. Or, these elements could have been pulled from particular ideals, or from items that illicit fear. We may also discuss curious traditions that we feel admirers of horror, and beyond, would enjoy learning. Our blogs, while written from a fictional character ‘s perspective, are non-fictional. Overall, our blogs discuss true beliefs, phenomena, practices or customs.


Peter Adam Salomon, what scares you? Of all the nightmares, abandonment is the one concept that always lingers the longest.
Die Booth, what scares you? I am afraid of a lot of things, like open doors and closed doors and
Nicole Degennaro, what scares you? Like most people, I have fears that range from the mundane to the irrational. Instead
Jay Wilburn, what scares you? What scares me? I could answer something sad like failure or loss, but for me
Jessica McHugh, what scares you? Ever since I was thrown off a bicycle and slid several feet on my face,
Michael Kellar, what scares you? As a horror writer, I exploit other people's fears. My answer would be that I
K.R. Smith, what scares you? It's not the ghosts or goblins that scare me. It's being stuck on the side
Lance Davis, what scares you? When my son was six months old, my wife and I spent almost a week
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Burial Day Books Presents its third short story collection! THE GOTHIC BLUE BOOK III – THE GRAVEYARD
We are busy working away, but here is the table of contents for GOTHIC BLUE BOOK III: THE GRAVEYARD EDITION