In The Back Row by Jim Towns

  In The Back Row by Jim Towns   Three Rivers, Michigan – July 9th, 1984   The afternoon had been hot, even for July. The sun had set around eight, but Rudolf had already risen. These short summer nights always made him impatient. So much of the day spent cooped up…so little time to…

Putting the Trash Where It Belongs by Linda M. Crate

Putting the Trash Where It Belongs by Linda M. Crate   People watching was something he was good at. He was good at reading a situation, giving empathy to the right people, withholding it from others. There were very pretty specimens in this bar, but each of them seemed to be getting their ruffles feathered…

Vampires are real…

Vampires are real… At least, some people continue to believe in the vampire. In recent decades, the vampire of folklore, legend, and myth has taken on this decadent, sexy persona. Why are vampires in modern fiction always so wildly wealthy and attractive? When young adult fiction began to explore the vampire in teenage love triangle…